Québec - Anglais

What you need to start

Normalement, nous vous attribuons un code dans la journée et vous pouvez débuter votre embauche immédiatement. S’il y a personnalisation, le délai peut varier.

Hirering day

Sachez que si vos clients vont dans des salons de l’emploi ou qu’il aimerait faire une journée d’embauche, nous avons un service spécifique pour cela.

Questionnaire "SPECIFIC"

Know that in order to comply with the human rights Act, you must use medical questionnaire related to the workstation.

That's why you have a "SPECIFIC Questionnaire" section. It's therefore a question of indicating to your candidate which "SPECIFIC" questionnaire he must complete.

It's the same password for all : 4444

In addition, the majority of the questionnaires are available in French, English and Spanish.

Questionnaire "PERSONALIZED"

You can opt for a personalized questionnaire. To do this, we must complete  this, we must complete a grid of risks that are related to the workstation. Then we will create the personalized and unique questionnaire for your organization.



Follow your worker in "Just in time"

Description - PowerAPPS


1. Ask for you access codes : form@medifax.ca

2. Link - PowerAPPS - Computer

3. Access to PowerAPPS - Computer


1. Ask for you access codes : form@medifax.ca

2. Installation PowerAPPS - Phone

PWA - Liste candidat

